
I’ve been thinking. 

It’s a dangerous way to start a conversation, but it’s true – I have. We made it through midterms, staggering out like a crowd of zombies, and entered a world awash with pastel architecture and art around every corner. In other words: Tartu. 

Tartu is one of the largest cities in Estonia, and every street looks like it came off a postcard. Our program, studying abroad in Estonia, is a collaboration between University of Pittsburgh and the University of Tartu – it was a joy to actually see the university we’re technically studying with! I must say, it’s significantly larger than the single-building offshoot of the University of Tartu we have in Narva. 

We completed our one full day with a tour of the university, the art museum attached to it, and then ran a scavenger hunt through the city! We completed tasks at each architectural landmark throughout the city, and it was honestly a great way to explore. The city was busy with many families on holiday (we ended up seeing 2 weddings and 2 bachelorette parties over the course of the day) and was full of art. 

We saved the botanical gardens for last, and I’m so glad we did. By the time my small group made it there, we had hit golden hour….  And we stayed for two hours, until well after dusk had fallen. 

And so, I’ve been thinking. Walking among the flowers, petting the garden cats, laying on the grass and watching the birds swirled above us. For the first time in my time here, I’ve finally had a chance to think, and contemplate.

I’ve loved my time here. We’re facing down the end, though: many of my friends have timers until they fly home. My language skills are stronger, but I find myself more confident as well. This group consists of many wonderful people I am honored to call my friends, helping me both get physically and linguistically stronger.  

(…shout out gym crew) 

I’ve been thinking. And I’ve come to the conclusion that these people, these long hours in the classroom and the camaraderie I’ve found here, is legitimately one of the highlights of my three years of college so far. 

I can’t wait to see where the next few weeks take us. Until next time, this is Katerina Hemstad, signing off. 

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